In the COMPANY section, you configure all the information related to your company. Most of these fields are those printed on the customer invoice and can be edited using the invoice editor.


  • Name: Add your company name. (Appears in the app)

  • Legal Name: Add your company's legal name. (Appears on the default invoice)

  • VAT Number: Add your company's VAT number. Example: B12345678 (Appears on the default invoice)

  • Slogan: Add your slogan. (Appears on the default invoice)

  • Logo: Add your logo here. (Appears in the app and on the default invoice)

    A minimum width of 350-400 pixels and a maximum size of 1 MB is recommended.


  • Address: Add your fiscal address. (Appears on the default invoice)

  • City: Add the city. (Appears on the default invoice)

  • Postal Code: Add the postal code. (Appears on the default invoice)

  • State/Province: Add the state or province. (Does not appear in the app or on the invoice)

  • Country: Add the country. (Does not appear in the app or on the invoice)


  • Phone: Add the phone number. (Does not appear in the app or on the invoice)

  • Website: Add your website or, alternatively, your social media page. (Appears on the default invoice)


  • Include Taxes in Price: Activate to include taxes in product prices (recommended option).

  • Comma as Decimal Separator: Activate to use the comma as a decimal separator.

  • Presence Control: Activate to manage presence control from the application, allowing employees to clock in, clock out, or take breaks during their shift using a PIN. Data is visible in the presence report.

  • Opening Hours: Specify the opening time with an additional 2-hour buffer for shift changes. Example: if you open at 10:00, set it to 08:00. Alternatively, if it's easier, specify the closing time by adding 2 hours. Example: if you close at 03:00, enter 05:00.

  • Languages: Select languages to display products in the app and add translations in the product description.


  • Cash Management: Select the type that best fits:

    • None: No cash management.

    • Simple: Request opening and closing funds for each shift (Report X). Multiple shifts can be opened and closed within a day.

    • Full: Detail all monetary units for opening and closing each shift (Report X). Multiple shifts can be opened and closed within a day.

    • Automatic: Generate a daily shift without specifying opening and closing funds. At the end of the day, the Z Report can be printed from the app to view a summary of sales by different payment methods used.

  • Blind Cash: Enable this option to restrict visibility of the X Report in the app and automatically print it upon shift closure. The Z Report can only be printed after the shift is closed, ensuring cash revenue cannot be known before closing.


  • Currency: Modify the monetary unit when no orders are created, default EUR.

  • Secondary Currency: Choose whether to use a second currency for charging. Note that the exchange will always be in the primary currency.

  • Currency Exchange: Leave it at 0 for automatic exchange, or specify manually.

    The exchange rate is consulted when opening the app or creating a new shift on

IMPORTANT: To use the secondary currency, it is mandatory to associate a payment method for cash and card.

  • Cash in Secondary Currency: Associate the payment method for cash. Learn how to create a new payment method here.

  • Card in Secondary Currency: Associate the payment method for card. Learn how to create a new payment method here.