The first of the sections found in Settings is Business, where all the information related to our business is set up. Most of these fields are printed on the customer's invoice and can be edited using the Invoice Editor

  • Name: Add the name of your business (shown in the app).

  • Legal Name: Add the legal name of your business (shown on the invoice by default).

  • VAT: Add the VAT number of your business. Example: B12345678 (shown on the invoice by default).

  • Slogan: Do you have a slogan? Enter it here (shown on the invoice by default).

  • Logo: Add your logo here (shown in the app and on the invoice by default).

    Note: A minimum width of 350-400 pixels and a maximum size of 1MB is recommended.

  • Address: Add your legal address (shown on the invoice by default).

  • City: Add the city (shown on the invoice by default).

  • Postal Code: Add the postcode. (shown on the invoice by default).

  • State/Area: Add the state or area. (It does not show up in the app or on the invoice)

  • Country: Add the country. (It does not show up in the app or on the invoice)

  • Phone: Add the phone. (It does not show up in the app or on the invoice)

  • Webpage: Add your web page or, failing that, your favourite social network page (shown on the invoice by default).

  • Tax included in the price: Check this option if you want taxes included in the price of the products. Option by default and recommended.

  • Comma as decimal separator: Check this option if you want to use the comma as a decimal separator.

  • Presence control: Check this option if you want to be able to manage presence control from the app. This way users can indicate through their pin when they clock in, clock out or take a break during their shift. This information can be viewed in the Presence report.

  • Opening Time: To use Cash Control, it is essential to enter the requested time for the change of day. REVO recommends setting a time when your business has closed. For example: 05:00:00 (5am).

  • Cash Control:

    • None: No cash control.

    • Simple: Requests the total amount of the initial cash fund before closing/collecting the first order of the day, and the final cash fund before closing the shift (X Report). You can open and close multiple shifts during a day.

    • Full: Requests the detailed amount (in monetary units) of the initial cash fund before closing/receiving the first order of the day and the final cash fund before closing the shift (X Report). You can open and close multiple shifts during a day.

    • Auto: Generates a single daily shift, without specifying the initial and final cash fund. At the end of the day, you can print the Z Report from the app to see the sales summary in the different forms of payment used.

  • Blind Cashier: With this option enabled, the user is prevented from printing the Z Report before closing a shift (X Report). This way, they cannot know the cash collection before closing the shift.

  • Currency: When the system has no created order, the monetary unit can be modified. By default, it uses the EUR.

  • Secondary Currency: If you use a second currency to collect, select it here. Remember that the change will always be in the main currency.

  • Currency exchange: Leave it to 0 for the change to be automatic, or you can write it manually if you always want to apply the same exchange rate.

  • Cash for secondary currency: Select the payment method associated with the cash of the second currency. You must create beforehand a new payment method here

  • Card for secondary currency: Select the payment method associated with the second currency card. You must create beforehand a new payment method here

    Important: In order to use the secondary currency, you must assign a payment method for Cash and Card.

    Note: The change factor is consulted each time the app is opened or a new shift is created. These are consulted in