Permissions determine what each employee can do in the app.

This section is flexible and allows you to set up permissions for specific groups and then assign them to your employees.


1. Go to the back office of Revo FLOW.

2. Navigate to Employees / APP PERMISSIONS.

  • + New: Create a new permission.
  • : Search for permissions.
  • Actions: Delete one or more selected permissions.
  • : Select all or multiple permissions.
  • Name: Name of the permission.
  • App permissions: Shows how many permissions are in the group. For example, the "waiter" permission has 6 permissions out of 13.
  • : Edit the permission.
  • : Delete the permission.


1. Click on + New and toggle the permissions on with the icon:

  • Name: Enter a name to identify the permission.
  • Lists: Allows access to lists.
  • Assign table: Allows assigning tables to reservations.
  • Edit past reservations: Allows editing past reservations.
  • Device settings: Allows access to device preferences.
  • Block table: Allows blocking tables.
  • Calendar visible in the app: Allows the employee to view the calendar in FLOW.
  • Seat without table: Allows seating reservations without a selected table.
  • Switch account: Allows switching FLOW accounts.
  • Log out: Allows logging out of FLOW.
  • Create reservation: Allows creating new reservations.
  • Edit reservation: Allows editing reservations.
  • Cancel reservation: Allows cancelling reservations.
  • Manage payments: Allows managing payments for reservations.