Adding a new printer with REVO is simple.

1. Go to the back-office of Revo XEF.

2. Go to Configuration / PRINTERS.

3. Click on + New to create a printer.


  • Name: Add a name.

  • Type: Select the type of printer. Check the list of compatible printers.

  • IP: Add the printer's IP.

    The IP must be static.


  • Port: Add the port (default 9100 for Ethernet, 2000 for Revo KDS).

  • Characters: Configure if necessary. Leave at 0 by default.


  • Open Cash Drawer: Enable to open the cash drawer when printing the receipt. You can configure which payment methods open the drawer.

  • Enable buzzer: Enable to make the printer sound a buzzer when printing (for kitchen printers).

    The buzzer is purchased separately (not included with the printer).


  • Kitchen printable design: Select the design from the dropdown. More information here.

4. Click on Save.