How to connect the mC-Print3 printer and Symbol ds9208 barcode reader:

Note: Compatibility between the mC-Print3 printer and the Symbol ds9208 reader has been added starting from version 3.1 of revoXEF and version 1.5 of revoRETAIL.


1. Install or update to the correct version of the app.

2. Connect the Symbol ds9208 reader via USB to the mC-Print3 printer.

3. The mC-Print3 printer must have a static IP and be on the same network as the devices that will use REVO.

4. The mC-Print3 printer must have the driver Star MC 30 with external USB (only one device).

5. Associate the printer with the desired cashier. Section "Configuration" -> "Cashiers".

6. The mC-Print3 printer can only use the reader in CDC-ACM mode. Scan this code with the reader for it to work:

7. Select a cashier in Revo XEF or Revo RETAIL with the mC-Print3 printer.

8. Scan the barcodes, and the products will be automatically added to the order/transaction.