In/Out is used to record cash transactions that are not linked to sales invoices.

For example, a cash out would be a payment to a supplier or cash taken out of the cash register to purchase anything. Conversely, an in would be cash that we introduce into the cash register, for example, additional change.

In/Out affect daily cash control and should be taken into account when closing a shift (X Report).

How to make an in or out?

1. Press the REVO r menu.

2. Press In/Out.

3. On the screen, select whether you want to make an in or an out.

4. Add a reason and the amount.

5. Save with the .

A receipt of the cash in or out will be printed on the cash register printer. For this reason, it is essential that you have associated a printer with the cash register from the back-office.

You can modify the receipt design from the back-office, you can get more information here.


From the back-office, you can review the In/Out report, where you can see all the actions performed. To do this,

1. Access the back-office of XEF.

2. Go to Lists / IN/OUT.

3. You will see the following information:

  • Quantity: Number of transactions made.

  • Total: Resulting value of in and out.

  • Date: Date and time of in or out.

  • Shift: Shift in which the in or out is made.

  • Employee: Employee making the in or out.

  • Cashier: Cashier recording the in or out.

  • Payment Method: Payment method used in ins or outs.

  • Reason: Reason added when making the in or out.

  • Amount: Value of the in or out.