This section will allow us to configure the different payment gateways that we can use in our establishment. To do this:

1. Go to Configuration / PAYMENT GATEWAYS.

2. Click on +New:

  • Name: Enter an identifying name.
  • Test: If you are using it in test mode.
  • Default: If you want this payment gateway to be the default one.
  • Type: Select from the dropdown.

Important: All remaining information must be provided by the bank.

3. Click Save to confirm the changes.

For more information about payment gateways, we have the following articles:


In this section, you can customize the appearance of the website. To do this:

1. Go to Configuration / APPEARANCES.

2. Click on +New:

  • Default: If we want this aspect to be the default.

  • Name: We enter an identifying name.

  • Main colour: Main colour of your company.

  • Complementary colour: Complementary colour of your company.

  • Categories menu: Enable this option to always show the navigation menu between categories.

  • Product images: Enable the display of catalogue images ONLY.

  • Category button images: Enable this option to display category images on catalogue buttons.

  • Category name: Enable this option to display the category name above the image.

    For this option to work correctly, it is essential to have at least one added category. More information here.

  • Footer text: We can add custom text in the footer of Revo SOLO.
    In HTML format, you can add:

    • Links: < a href= "http://google.com" > Google < /a >
    • Bold text: < b > Bold text < /b >
    • Italic text: < i > Italic text < /i >

    We must write them without the narrow spaces < >.

3. Click Save to confirm the changes.

4. Finally, you can add a logo or an image to the header by clicking on the .


1. Go to Configuration / DELIVERY AGENCIES.

2. Click on +New:

  • Name: Enter an identifying name.
  • Test: If you are using it in test mode.
  • Type: Stuart.
  • Client: Provided by Stuart.
  • Secret: Provided by Stuart.

3. Click Save to confirm the changes.


In this section, you can integrate Revo SOLO with different POS (Revo XEF, Simphony, and ICG).

1. Go to Configuration / POS INTEGRATIONS.

2. Click on +New:

  • Name: Enter an identifying name.

  • Type: Select the POS from the dropdown.

    Note: If you select Simphony or ICG, all information to be filled in from this point onwards must be provided by them.

  • User: This is your Revo XEF username.

  • Token: Token generated in the Revo XEF back-office. More information about tokens here.

  • Warehouse ID: Leave it as 0 to not use any.

3. Click Save to confirm the changes.


In this section, you can integrate Revo SOLO <-> Revo FLOW, to do this:

1. Go to Configuration / BOOKING INTEGRATIONS.

2. Click on +New:

  • Name: Enter an identifying name.
  • Revo FLOW User: Enter your Revo FLOW username if you want to enable bookings from your SOLO app.
  • Revo FLOW Token: Token created in Revo FLOW. You can get information on how to create it here.

3. Click Save to confirm the changes.


In Configuration / PREFERENCES, you can configure the following:

  • App URL (iOS): App URL on the App Store.
  • App URL (Android): App URL on the Play Store.
  • Allow Credit Card Payments: Enable this option to allow your customers to pay for orders directly with a credit card. If you usually have low-cost orders, the payment gateway commissions can be high.
  • Disable Gift Cards: Check this option to hide gift cards, thus simplifying the user experience.
  • Activate Invitations: Activate this option to be able to send gift cards by email.
  • Activate Rewards: Choose whether to activate rewards for the customer when they make purchases through the application.
  • Activate Barcode Scanning: Add a button to the catalogue to be able to select products by their barcode.
  • Show Only the Nearest Store: Only allows the user to select the nearest store.


  • Points Calculator: Select the points' bonus system for your customers for each order placed. Using a percentage of the total order or adding the specified product points in the product list.
  • Percentage of Points: The percentage of points for every € spent. Example: 100% => €10 = 10 points.
  • Expiration Minutes: Minutes until the expiration of the points (before being scanned) from the generation of the ticket/invoice. Leave it at 0 to make them never expire.


  • Online Order: Select if you want to enable online orders from the app.
  • Minimum Delivery Amount: Minimum amount of an order with delivery to be processed.
  • Home Delivery Product: Product that will be used to make charges for home deliveries. Leave it empty if you do not want to add any charges for home deliveries.


  • Payment Gateway: Select the payment gateway with which you want to make payments to InTouch.
  • Stripe Key: InTouch uses Stripe to manage online payments. Add your production key to make real charges, or the test key to make fictitious payments, and check that everything works as it should.
  • Stripe Publishable Key: Add the key provided by the bank.


  • Privacy Policy: Attach the privacy policy.
  • Informing about offers and news: We mark this option if we will use the customer's registration data to send information about offers and news.


You can find information about events and how to configure them here.


Employees are the workers who use REVO. To create an employee, go to the EMPLOYEES section and click the +New button. The following options appear for configuration:

  • Active: Activate this option so that this user is available.
  • Name: Add the name of the employee. (Mandatory Field)
  • Last Name: Add the last name of the employee.
  • Email: Add the email of the employee.
  • Mobile: Add the phone number of the employee.
  • NIF: Add the NIF of the employee.
  • Notes: Free-text field to note any information.
  • User: Employee's username to access the back-office.
  • Password: This password will be used for the user to identify themselves in the back-office with their username@account.
  • Permission: Determine what each employee can and cannot do while using the back-office.


To create a new group of privileges, go to Configuration and look for PERMISSIONS, then click the +New button; a new window will open where you must set the name of the group and select the permissions to assign:

These are the current permissions that can be configured:

  • Permission: Add a name to the permission to be able to identify it.

  • Catalogue: Select the permissions to grant in the different sections of the Catalogue of the back-office.

  • Account: Select the permissions to grant in the sections: listings, establishments, clients, and accounts.

  • Configuration: Select the permissions to grant from the Configuration section. Within this section, you will find the different options to which privileges can be granted and the different types to grant.

  • Marketing: Select the permissions to grant in the different sections of the Marketing of the back-office.

  • App: Select the permissions to grant in the different sections of the App of the back-office.

  • Others: Select the permissions to grant from the Others section.

The different types of permission to grant are:

  • None: Do not grant any permission.

  • View: Grant permission for viewing only.

  • View + Active: Grant permission for viewing and modifying Active.

  • View + Active + Modify: Grant permission for viewing, modifying Active, and editing.

  • Complete: Grant total permissions.

Note: You can select all the options you want, depending on the privileges you want to assign to employees; they will only see the sections that have been assigned to each one.


In the LEGAL DOCUMENTATION section, we can upload all the necessary legal documentation.

To upload the documents, simply click on , select a file, and finally click Save. We can upload them in as many languages as we have configured in the back office, but it is mandatory only in the main language.

We can easily see the status of the documents and the date of their last revision at a glance.