If our country allows it, we can activate the supplement for the service provided from the Settings / GRATUITY section in our back-office of Revo XEF:

  • Active: Turn on the gratuity module to add a supplement for the service provided.

  • Name: Add an identifying name. This will appear printed on the invoice.

  • Product: If we want it to apply only to a product, we can select it from the dropdown.

  • Tables only: Turn on to apply the supplement only to tables.

  • After tax: Turn on to apply the supplement after taxes.

  • Minimum diners: Specify the minimum number of diners to apply the supplement.

  • Minimum total: Specify the minimum total to apply the supplement.

  • Percentage: Specify the percentage of the supplement to be charged.

  • Categories: If we want certain categories not to include a supplement, we can select them from the dropdown.

Once we have configured everything, we will see that the value of the supplement will appear on the payment screen in the app:

And it will also be reflected on the receipt we give to the customer: